Summary of the Board of Trustees Meeting on August 15, 2016.
- Treasurer Gary McGraw reported that we received our second endowment disbursement. Currently we are running at a slight overall surplus, though not yet enough to balance our budgeted shortfall.
- Director of Religious Education Jamie Zaruba answered questions about the activities planned for the upcoming Block Party on September 10. He is looking for publicity and volunteers to help make the fundraising event a success.
- Rebecca reported she has felt very welcomed by our community and is looking forward to getting to know more Peoples people this fall. She reminded us she will leave for her week-long Developmental Minister training in Minnesota on the 20th.
- Geoff Johnson reported that piping audio and/or video of the Sunday services from the sanctuary to the nursery is feasible. The only cost would be for the equipment such as wires and speakers.
- Kathy Juba has scheduled energy audits for the building to see if we can improve our efficiency.
- We reviewed the Developmental Ministry goals and discussed what improvements and changes we should begin to pursue. See the Board President’s article in the Voice for more on this process.