Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on December 13, 2017
-We discussed our common read, Leading Change in the Congregation, and shared the points of Chapter 3 that resonated most for each of us. We will read Chapter 4 for our next meeting.
-Treasurer Gary McGraw reported a cash flow deficit in November with an overall positive budget balance for the year so far. Also, the endowment increased about $5K in the past month.
-The board asked the Aesthetics & Design Team to submit monthly progress reports on the sanctuary design project. We also discussed whether the team’s mandate should include evaluating how spaces in the church are used. We will decide that at a future meeting.
-Scott Gay has agreed to coordinate the sanctuary wall repair project. The board did not have immediate questions and will look for more information and bids later this spring.
-Further revisions to the draft Policy on Policies will be discussed in subcommittee. The board will take up a new draft at a future meeting.
-Activities and structure for the February 3 Mission in Action workshop will be planned in subcommittee. The board will review and finalize plans at the January meeting.