Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on July 17, 2016.
- Treasurer Gary McGraw reported that June ended well. There has been less of a summer dip in income than in previous years, which may be due to a larger number of people using automatic payments.
- We congratulated Jamie Zaruba on his promotion to Director of Religious Education (DRE). He was hired as the RE Coordinator in 2015 with the understanding he would become Director upon successful completion of his first year at Peoples. The Board applauds and recognizes Jamie for a rockin’ first year in this position.
- We postponed making a decision on whether to fund the Event Coordinator part time position proposed by DRE Jamie Zaruba. The delay will allow Rev. Rebecca to participate in the discussion with the Board about whether this fits into our Developmental Ministry goals.
- We reviewed the draft Ministerial Transition Team overview and discussed ways to help Rev. Rebecca integrate into the church community quickly and smoothly.
- Geoff Johnson agreed to investigate feasibility of piping Sunday services down to the nursery, similar to the way it is broadcast in the Ely Room.
- Kathy Juba agreed to investigate current energy usage, heating, and cooling questions for the building.