Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on March 15, 2017
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported by email that February had a small deficit. Our overall balance remains positive so far because of early pledge payments and a quarterly endowment distribution.
–We reviewed a draft of Rev. Rebecca’s Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) evaluation. This is required for all new ministers during their first three years after finishing seminary. Robyn M-K will summarize the comments and ratings received so far, and the Board will discuss it again in May. The review is due in June.
–The Board will host a forum on May 7 before church to begin discussing the stained glass windows.
Cathy Fischer, our Operations Coordinator, will put together this year’s Annual Report, to be ready for distribution at the Congregational Meeting on May 21.
–UUA General Assembly will be June 21-25 in New Orleans, and will include a presidential election. The UUA president is elected every 6 years by delegates from member congregations who attend on-site or vote electronically. One delegate slot has been filled for Peoples and two more are available. Contact Rev. Rebecca to learn more.
–The Iowa City UU Congregation will host a membership workshop called “Love Reaches Out” on April 8 in Coralville. The Board authorized paying registration for up to 10 individuals from Peoples Church to attend. Contact Rev. Rebecca to learn more.