Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on March 28, 2018
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported that February ended okay though income is a little lower than last year at this time. We have also received a number of endowment gifts which will raise the Worship & Music fund to around $50k. The proceeds from this fund will likely be enough to pay for guest musicians and ministers next year.
–We discussed Chapter 6 of our common read Leading Change in the Congregation. Author Gilbert Rendle lays out the differences between restructuring versus revisioning as a means to rejuvenate a church’s ministry. He also explains how a force field analysis can help identify the different reasons groups may resist change, and thus help identify ways to reduce or overcome that resistance.
–We continued our exploration of governance by discussing ends statements. Now that we have identified our church’s values and mission, the next step is to create ends statements that will establish what our faith community will work toward in the upcoming years. Ends statements answer the questions: what specific, measurable difference will we make? For whom? And at what priority?
–The Congregational Meeting will be Sunday, May 20 after church following a potluck. We need to have nominees for the board of trustee and nominating committee identified by the end of April so their names can go into the May Voice.