Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on November 16, 2016.
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported by email that October finished well due to the final quarterly endowment disbursement. We still have a small year-to-date surplus as we head into the end of the year.
–We reviewed and approved the 2017 draft budget submitted by the finance committee. The budget will now go before the congregation for approval at the December 4 meeting. We again anticipate drawing from our savings next year to make up a budget deficit.
–Rebecca informed us that our office administrator has resigned from Peoples Church, effective immediately. Rev. Rebecca plans to review the position to ensure it best serves the needs of the church before beginning to recruit a replacement.
–We discussed logistics for the congregational meeting on December 4, 2016. The potluck will begin immediately after the service in the Andre Room, and the meeting will begin no earlier than 12:30 PM. Childcare will be provided.
–Rebecca updated us on what to expect at the Developmental Ministry startup activities on November 18 & 19. We expect to have a plan to begin work on our Developmental Ministry goals by the end of the weekend.