Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on October 19, 2016.
- Treasurer Gary McGraw reported that September finished well due to an influx of pledge payments. We still have a small year-to-date surplus as we head into the final quarter.
- Charles Cizio explained that one of the exterior panes of glass in the cross window was broken some time ago. He recently fixed the seal on the repair and noted some water damage to the inside of the wall. He solicited a bid to completely remove the cross window and re-side the exterior wall. The board will discuss next steps at our next meeting.
- We reviewed the 2017 budget first draft. While our pledged income for 2017 increased significantly over the current year’s, we still anticipate drawing from our savings to make up a budget deficit.
- We discussed our Developmental Ministry goal of improving the church’s governance. Reverend Rebecca suggested we begin by exploring the values we want the community of Peoples Church to express. We can then create systems and policies that affirm and promote those values.
- We agreed to send out a postcard to the congregation reminding them about the upcoming Developmental Ministry Startup Event on Friday, November 18 at 6:00 PM.