Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on September 27, 2017
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported a small deficit in August due to lower pledge and other income. Our overall balance for the year is still positive in part since we did not pay a Director of Religious Education salary over the summer.
–We approved expenditures for the Nursery Revitalization Project proposed by David Wise, our new acting DRE. This project will address safety in the nursery, as well as freshen up the room and make it more inviting for newcomers and current members alike.
–We began discussing what a policy on policy for Peoples should contain. A policy on policies will explain what situations should be governed by policies, how policies will be structured, and how they will be created, reviewed, and implemented. This groundwork will aid the board’s future work on our governance Developmental Ministry goal when we have our mission.
–We discussed our Board of Trustees common read for this year, Leading Change in the Congregation by Gilbert Rendle. Members of the board will read and discuss one chapter per month. Other members are welcome to read along with the board; talk to Rev. Rebecca about how to get a copy of the book.
–Rev. Rebecca reported the Mission Team has three upcoming events where congregants can provide input on the mission: October 8 @ 10:00 AM and October 12 @ 7:30 PM. Both will be in the Ely Room.