Minister’s Moment, October 2017

“The earth is a forgiveness school,” Anne Lamott says. It is that simple and it is completely terrifying. We are here to learn how to forgive. Across our lifetime we are given lesson after lesson, day after day. We are hurt and disappointed over and over again. We get...

Minister’s Moment, September 2017

From a young age, most of us are taught that there is not enough to go around. We learn to see scarcity and live with fear. We learn to compete with others and fight over limited jobs and resources. Out of this lesson of fear and anxiety, we are taught to keep the...

Minister’s Moment: May 2017

Wonder. Connection. Transformation. These are the shared values of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Transcendence. Community. Compassion. Courage. Transformation. These are the shared values of the First UU Church of Austin. Inclusion. Compassion. Engagement....

Minister’s Moment: April 2017

I first realized I was called to ministry at a pretty young age. Twelve to be exact. I spent a good fifteen years resisting this call and fighting it. In my young adulthood I tried a few different “other” careers, I wandered down a few wrong paths, but I could never...

Minister’s Moment, March 2017

Have you ever gotten sick when you were really stressed out? Have you ever chosen comfort foods when you were sad or upset? Have you ever had a “spiritual high” or peak experience? It’s no secret that the Mind, Body and Spirit are intimately connected. Each one...