When it comes to love, we all bring different expectations, assumptions, and desires. Of course we all want it. (Love is patient and kind.) We think we know what it means and how it should feel. (Love is a many splendored thing.) We have all lived through its ups and downs: times when love is sweet and life giving (Love will find a way) and times when it stings and breaks us apart inside (Love stinks!).
Given this variety of experience it is no wonder that love is so hard to describe! There is no single definition or experience of love. So what does it really mean? What does it look like? How do we experience it in real life? And how do we want to experience love in community at Peoples Church?
Unfortunately the English language limits us. Love is love is love. (Well actually that is a true statement!!) But in Ancient Greek there were many words for love. All of them had their own, unique qualities and distinctions. We find at least three of them in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures: Philios (simple love, or love between friends), Eros (erotic or romantic love) and Agape (Godly or unconditional love).
This month at Peoples Church we will explore all of these kinds of love. We will discern together the nature of friendship, romance, Divine Love, and sacred community. As a capstone to the month of February we will celebrate New Member Sunday on Sunday, February 26th!
As we welcome new members into our congregation, we will receive them with love and open arms. We will honor our commitments to walk with them and one another on the journey. We will celebrate the love we have in our lives and create more of the love we want in our community at Peoples Church.