Dear Ones,
Can you recall the best meal you ever had? I am willing to bet you ate it in good company: with a lover, your family, or perhaps your faith community? Eating meals together is a sacred activity. It connects us like no other ritual on the planet. Eating feels better when we do it mindfully and collectively.
I have heard about the deep history and wonderful food and potluck culture at Peoples Church. What a fantastic way to bring people together! With this in mind, when the Board scheduled our November church-wide Developmental Ministry Start Up Workshop, we all knew for sure that we wanted to include a potluck dinner. So mark your calendars for the evening of Friday, November 18th at Peoples Church and bring a dish to share! It is going to be an exciting evening of food, fellowship, community, and learning as we figure out together how to reach our five Developmental Ministry goals.
Hey, speaking of food, we could really use some new folks to volunteer to bring treats for coffee hour on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in helping with coffee hour please let me know!
Beloveds, as we head into the holiday season with so many family and community meals ahead of us, I hope the meals you share will be delicious, meaningful, and spirited. I hope they will remind you of who you are and connect you to others. I hope the experience will be spiritual and transformative.
No one needs to eat alone this holiday season. If you are looking for a place to be on Thanksgiving Day my wife, Casey, and I warmly invite you to share a meal with us in our home. Just email me at in advance so I can plan accordingly! Blessings to you all this harvest season.
In Faith,
Rev. Rebecca