Members of Peoples Church will meet on December 3 for fellowship and to conduct the business of our church. The meeting agenda, summary of the proposed budget, voter proxy forms, and other documents were mailed on November 17. You can also download the documents from the list below (PDF reader required).
- Meeting Notice & Agenda
- Proposed Mission & Mission Team Update
- 2018 Proposed Budget
- Social Justice Council Proposed 2018 Study Issue & Curriculum
- Sanctuary Design Proposal Frequently Asked Questions
- Proxy Forms
Before the meeting, we will gather for food and fellowship at a classic Sunday potluck. Bring a dish to share. The meeting will begin no earlier than 12:30 PM after everyone has a chance to get a plate and eat.
Both the potluck and the meeting will take place in the Andre Room fellowship hall on the lower level. Childcare will be provided. Guests are always welcome to attend both the potluck and the meeting.
Please note: You must be a member in good standing in order to vote on Peoples Church business: have signed the membership book, currently active in the community, and paid on a pledge within the past year. See the Peoples Church Membership Policy for more details.