Decision Point: Mission Renewal
Last December, I wrote for the Voice:
At the [Developmental Ministry] Startup Event, we learned one thing immediately: our church needs to renew our mission. We need to identify our faith community’s job in the world. That work will take some time and sharing on everyone’s part.
This December, we will vote on a mission at our meeting on the 3rd. In case you haven’t read it yet, here is the draft again:
“Leading compassionate lives through spiritual growth and just action.”
As the vote approaches, I want to make sure we all understand that we will not be editing this draft at the meeting. The vote will be simply yes, or no:
- Yes, this is the new mission of Peoples Church, or
- No, we don’t think this is the right mission for our church right now.
As you consider your vote, I invite you to ask yourself:
- Can I see the values of Peoples Church in this mission?
Community, Compassion, Learning, Justice, Welcoming, Spirituality, Love, Leadership - Do I feel this mission speaks to who we are as a faith community?
- Can I imagine how we as a faith community could work toward this mission through our programs and social action?
- Is this a mission I can support and help our church work to fulfill?
With these questions (and answers) in mind, I look forward to moving ahead with this important vote – a vote that will help us to move ahead with our church’s ministry. Together.