May has arrived and with it an end wrapped up in a beginning. Even as we end our first Developmental Ministry year, we look ahead toward continuing the work of change.
We’ve seen some changes here at the church already. We have a new minister who has begun providing valuable insights and enthusiasm for the work of change. I look forward to continued work together as we move more deeply into our ministry together.
We have a new Operations Coordinator, who has taken on important ad-ministration of our communications and church home. I have heard great things both about the change and our new employee, Cathy Fischer.
We will soon vote in a new Board of Trustees. I deeply appreciate the work my fellow board members have done already to lay important groundwork for our Developmental Ministry. We will continue to learn and grow together in the coming year.
And we have new hazelnut bushes. Rich Patterson led the initiative to remove the ash tree located on the east end of our property, and then to plant something new in its place. Rich’s guidance and help with bringing this effort full circle has been invaluable, and offers a timely reminder of how new life springs from death and change.
New life in the wake of change will be the theme throughout our Developmental Ministry. We will all be tasked with envisioning what a vital, healthy, and growing faith community will look like. And then we will all be tasked with bringing that vision to life. That so many Peoples people have turned out to participate in discussions and events so far has helped me to keep the hope and confidence cup near to full.
I invite everyone to visit the new hazelnut bushes as they grow, as a way to remind ourselves that though change can bring uncertainty, it can also bring new life. Thank you, everyone, for making this a good year. I look forward to the next one.