Mission When? Mission Now!
It’s October already! Can you believe it? The days march on as we continue the work to complete our Mission in time for our congregational meeting in December.
We’ve got our values, we talked about our vision, and now the Mission Team needs feedback to help them craft the Mission.
Everyone in the congregation should plan to come to an upcoming Mission Event to provide this critical input and feedback. That means Peoples Church needs YOU to put the life of the church first on your list on one of these days:
- Sunday, October 8 at 10:00 AM
- Thursday, October 12 at 7:30 PM
Both events will be held in the Ely Room at Peoples Church. You only need to attend one, though you’re welcome to come to both.
Our Mission is critical because it’s only the first step. We need our Mission to guide us as we work on our Developmental Ministry Goals. We need our Mission to help us become a stronger, more inviting, more engaged faith community. And we want to lay this cornerstone in December with a vote to approve our Mission.
So here’s the bottom line: plan to participate in one of the upcoming Mission events. The dates and times are listed above. If neither of those dates work for you, contact the Mission Team at missionteam@peoplesuu.org or 319/538-3700 to find out how to give your feedback in other ways.
Help our church succeed at this first step in our Developmental Ministry. Come participate in a Mission Event in October.