What One Thing Will YOU Do?
We’re gearing up for another fantastic church year, with new ideas, new staff, and new commitment to change our community for a better future.
But it’s easy to say we’re going to change things and then get a little lost. Change is big. It takes time. It’s hard to get a good handle on unless we find somewhere to start.
So this month I challenge everyone to ask yourself: what ONE THING can I commit to doing differently this year at Peoples?
- Will you read the church’s email update every single week and stay informed about news and upcoming events?
- Will you volunteer for one additional event and lend your hands to making our church happen?
- Will you sign up to be a Sunday greeter once a month and play a role in making our church more welcoming?
- Will you talk every week to one person who you didn’t come to church with and help deepen our community relationships?
Every single one of us can do this. We can all step outside of our comfort zones and normal roles to make one small change we can stick with. Because the small commitments that stick are what will ultimately change how we do church together.
Me? I attended the Religious Education Orientation on August 27 and signed up to be a backup teacher. We always need more RE teachers.
Now what are YOU going to do?