Religious Education needs your support this month! We have two great events happening and participation by the members of the congregation would be wonderful!
Let me first thank you for helping with the Easter Egg hunt! We have lots of filled eggs for the kids to hunt and enjoy this Sunday after worship! Thank you to all you took eggs home and filled them!
You have read about our Poetry Slam! Our high school Religious Education class is a small group of students who have really taken to the curriculum this year and had good discussions about all types of poetry. The culmination of the class is to sponsor a POETRY SLAM! We are doing that on April 27 at 7pm in the Ely Room. We are going to create a comfortable low key coffee house feel and have sharing by the teens from the class and from adults in the congregation. They will be performing some of their own poetry as well as works by others. Danny Booth and Lance Maynard have done a great job with the high schoolers this year and I am really looking forward to this evening!
We need you the congregation to do 2 things! The first one is very simple—SHOW UP to support the youth!! There is no cost! will have a variety of coffee, tea, and soft drinks available for donations. This is not a fund-raiser but a celebration. So please come and show the young people of Peoples that you are there for them!
The second one is for those of you that write poetry or have poetry that you really love! You are invited to bring that along with you and as time permits we will have opportunity for you to share with the group!
Please come and support the youth of Peoples!
The second opportunity to support the Religious Education program is a fund-raiser. When I started at Peoples I head about the efforts to raise money for the last Coming of Age trip. This trip occurs every 3 years (the next one is Spring of 2020) and takes youth to Boston to tour venues of importance to Unitarian Universalists. They also do a bit of sight-seeing while they are there. This is an expensive trip! We will be starting a scrip program very soon to help with this effort. We are also going to do periodic fund-raisers to help cover the cost.
The first fund-raiser is one that is really fun! It is the TRIVIA NIGHT CONTEST that you have seen in The Voice and the eWeekly. It is April 21st and will be in the Andre Room. Trivia is a fun event that really lends itself to some great team work! Participants do not need to be part of Peoples! Put together your team—up to 8 people! Gather friends, co-workers, neighbors, strangers, anyone you can find and come and support the Coming of Age trip! Information about registering can be found elsewhere in the newsletter. We will also have light refreshments, soft drinks, tea, and coffee for a donation.
I know that April is a busy time both here at Peoples and life in general! Please take a few hours to relax and help support the youth of Peoples! They are important to the church today and vitally important to the church of the future!!!!
David Wise, Acting Director of Religious Education