April 2: Inventing the Web

This service kicks off Earth Month with a look at how the concept of life as an interdependent web was first formulated long ago, and how those theories inspire scientists and thinkers today. Service led by Maria Kell and Bryan Davis. Music provided by Megan and Tim...

April 16: The Poetry of Easter

The Easter story of resurrection and new life mirrors the natural world this time of year. Come explore death, resurrection, rebirth and renewal through the story of Jesus, the season of springtime, and poetry about the Earth. Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will follow...

April 23: Blessing of the Trees

If we could understand the language of trees, what would they tell us? What do the trees know and what can they teach us about interdependence? On this Sunday between Earth Day and Arbor Day, we will honor trees and all of their blessings. As a church we will also be...