eWeekly Update, January 25

Click to read the eWeekly online and get in on the action coming up at Peoples. We’re beginning movie nights on Friday with “Freedom Riders.” Come learn about black and white Americans who risked their lives in 1961 to challenge a segregated...

eWeekly Update, January 18

Click to read the eWeekly online and find out ways our community can keep you lively during the cold winter weeks. We’ve got Pub Theology, our Mission Workshop, Home Church, and so much more coming right up. Check it out and get involved.

eWeekly Update, December 21

Click to read the eWeekly online and get your jingle on for the holidays! We’ve got live music in the Sanctuary, Christmas Eve services, cookies, and a New Year’s party, and that’s just in the next week! Check it out and get involved.

December 2017 Newsletter

A new month means a new Voice Newsletter. Click to download the December Voice Newsletter (PDF) and learn what’s coming up at Peoples Church. Make sure to have your calendar apps open so you can add things right away. Check it out and get involved!