Our Church

Our Church


Our Core Values

Community, Compassion, Spirituality and Justice

Our Mission

Leading compassionate lives through spiritual growth and just action.

Our Ends Statements

We pursue our mission by:

  • Partnering with others to build a fair and just world.
  • Creating a spiritual home that welcomes all of good will.
  • Articulating our Unitarian Universalist faith, teach it to our children, and living it in the world.
  • Supporting our Mission through compassionate presence, talented participation, and financial resources.
  • Creating transformational worship experiences together that inspire compassionate action.

Our Congregation

We are proud to be a Welcoming Congregation and begin each Sunday service by extending a heartfelt greeting to everyone regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, or other barriers that may wrongly separate people.

Our membership represents a wide range of religious backgrounds, theologies, income levels, and family structures. Humanists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Pagans have all been a part of our community. Though it can at times be challenging for such a diverse group to connect authentically, our diversity is also our strength.

Our Outreach

Our representation on volunteer boards and social action committees far outweighs our numbers in relation to the larger community. Much of this work is done on our members’ private initiative, but our Values in Action committee has also bridged Peoples people to the wider world again and again.

Our Affiliation

Peoples Church is a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA). That means we strive to foster a core set of values in ourselves and the wider world, rather than requiring our members to adhere to specific beliefs. Though each member congregation of the UUA is independent, all affirm and promote a search for meaning and truth and are open to individuals of all faiths and backgrounds.

Go to the UUA website to learn more about Unitarian Universalist Beliefs.

Updated June 2019


Worship at 11:00 am

Faith Formation for Children and Youth at 9:45-10:45 am, from mid-September to early May.

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