“We come together in peace and trust to support each other in our Earth-based spiritual journey.”

The Pagan Peoples group represents the Peoples Church UU chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist PaganS (CUUPS), a national organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified UU religious professions. The Unitarian Universalist Association chartered CUUPS at the General Assembly in 1987 in order to:

  • Provide outreach of Unitarian Universalism to the broader continental Pagan community and opportunities for networking among Pagan-identified UUs.
  • Provide educational materials on Paganism for Unitarian Universalist congregations and the general public.
  • Promote Pagan – Jewish & Christian dialogue and encourage theo/alogical and liturgical materials development based on Earth and nature centered religious and spiritual perspectives.
  • Encourage greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story, and creative ritual in Unitarian Universalist worship and celebration.
  • Provide support for Pagan-identified UU religious professionals and ministerial students; and fostering healing relationships with our mother the Earth and all her children.

Ours is the only registered CUUPS group in the state Iowa. Our chapter gives Pagan-identified UUs the unique and delightful experience pursuing their individual journeys while enjoying the benefits and resources of church affiliation. One of the most important and rewarding missions of CUUPS-Continental and CUUPS Chapters is to educate our home congregations and UUA Communities on Pagan beliefs, practices, and philosophies. Our goal is to dispel fear and intolerance and further encourage a climate of active acceptance of Pagan paths and practitioners. The Pagan Peoples group leads worship services and its members are available to speak at Forum events, RE classes, and any other educational outlets within the church.

Unitarian Universalist Pagans come in every possible permutation of path, practice, and belief. There are some commonalities, but one of the unique features of the UUA approach to spirituality is recognition that people of diverse beliefs and faith paths can still work together in harmony. Within CUUPS, this mindset is exceptionally rewarding as we attempt to bring together the widest possible variety of Pagan thought and create a community of Earth-centered and other Pagan practitioners. This community all leads to the support and enhancement of each one’s individual take on the “free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”

Individuals may become solitaire members of CUUPS, or they may seek to find and a place as a member of Peoples Church UU as well to become a part of the larger community. One need not be a member of Peoples Church UU, nor a member of CUUPS Continental, to attend our CUUPS activities. However, if you are a Pagan-identified individual, there are definite advantages to associate with CUUPS. The unique position of being a Pagan organization recognized and supported by a church body creates opportunities for impact and influence that are unavailable to many other Pagans.

Visit the national CUUPS website for answers to some of the more commonly-asked questions about our unique organization. If you believe you might be interested in learning more about our local group, please contact Deborah Maynard. Blessed Be


Worship at 11:00 am

Faith Formation for Children and Youth at 9:45-10:45 am, from mid-September to early May.

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