Summary of Board of Trustees Meeting on April 25, 2018
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported by email that our first quarter ended with a net positive income.
–We discussed Chapter 7 of our common read Leading Change in the Congregation. We read our board covenant together and discussed ways to periodically evaluate how well we’re living up to it. We also talked about healthy communication, especially in situations of disagreement. We committed to expressing questions or concerns directly to the people involved rather than through 3rd parties. Our job as leaders is to model this kind of direct communication.
–Judy Price and Marcy Mattison presented current progress on the stained glass windows project and answered questions. We will take up their revised project proposal and construction budget at the May board meeting. The Windows & Aesthetics Teams will present an update at the May 20 Congregational Meeting as well.
–We reviewed a new policy for Our Whole Lives facilitators created by David Wise and Rev. Rebecca. We also discussed the board’s role and how this review process fits within a policy governance framework.
–We continued our work on the Developmental Ministry governance goal by reviewing the Nested Bowls of Values, Mission, and Ends. We will begin explaining ends statements to the congregation at our June 9 Mission in Action Retreat.