Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on August 23, 2017
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported that July ended well. We received consistent pledge payments plus a quarterly endowment disbursement. Our current overall balance for the year is +$5,101.
–We voted to approve restoring one stained glass window through Artistic Glass owned by Robert Fassler in Fairfax, Iowa. Mr. Fassler estimates the work will cost $800-$1,000. The Stained Glass Window Project Team will submit a full proposal for displaying this window in the Sanctuary at a future meeting. We also met the new members of the Aesthetics Team and encouraged the Aesthetics and Window Teams to collaborate.
–We voted to approve creating a new endowment fund with the Greater Cedar Rapids Foundation, one that is restricted to use for music and worship. The endowment’s name and full use guidelines will be created by the Finance Council and submitted for review at a future meeting.
–We approved a new Building and Grounds Project Policy to guide proposals for repairs and renovations. Any congregation member may submit a proposal for consideration within the established guidelines. The policy will be published on the website and made available in the church.
–Acting Director of Religious Education David Wise introduced himself and we discussed next steps for the Religious Education Program. We plan to create a taskforce to begin gathering ideas and envisioning what faith formation at Peoples Church will look like in the future.
–We scheduled the December Congregational Meeting for Sunday, December 3 after the church service with a potluck. The meeting will start no earlier than 12:30 PM.