Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on December 21, 2016
-Treasurer Gary McGraw reported by email that November finished with a deficit. He projects we will end the year with an overall deficit of about $7K, which is smaller than budgeted.
-Gary McGraw also reported the finance committee recommends increasing the operations coordinator position hourly rate, which would increase our employment expenses by $2,938. The board has discretionary power to approve unbudgeted expenditures up to 25% of the total budget, so this change would not need a congregational vote.
-We reviewed and provided feedback on the new Operations Coordinator job description which will replace the Office Administrator position. Rev. Rebecca plans to begin advertising in January.
-Scott Gay volunteered to lead the team that will begin planning the church mission renewal process. The process will include events that give all congregants opportunities to share their ideas about what the mission of Peoples Church should be.
-Scott Mansfield and Judy Price provided a summary of the ideas generated at the Developmental Ministry startup events in November. The document will be made available so everyone in the congregation can refer to it as we continue work on our developmental goals.