Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on February 15, 2017

–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported that January ended well, in part because of early pledge payments. Also, we received $12K for the endowment due to the letter sent by the pledge campaign committee at the end of 2016.

–We changed the membership policy so the Board will no longer review or approve new members. Rev. Rebecca explained this practice tends to imply exclusivity in who can join. We discussed some other questions about membership, which we will take up when the congregation begins work on that developmental goal.

–We discussed the evaluation form required by the Unitarian Universalist Association for Rev. Rebecca to achieve full ministerial fellowship. This is a requirement for all new ministers during their first three years after finishing seminary. Board members will complete the evaluation individually for the March meeting, and then will discuss next steps.

–We clarified details for the Board’s upcoming Developmental Ministry Strategy Meetings. These meetings will take place on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 6:00 PM and are open to everyone, though an RSVP is requested. Please email for information about meeting agendas and locations.

–We scheduled the May Congregational Meeting for Sunday the 21st after church with a potluck.