Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on January 18, 2017
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported the 2016 year-end balance was -$3,992.98. We budgeted for -$17K but pledges were paid consistently and we were able to reduce spending in some areas.
–Scott Gay reported the Church Mission Planning Team is almost ready to start. He is recruiting one more team member and then will schedule the first meeting.
–We discussed facility concerns, including repairs to the east wall in the Sanctuary. We need a volunteer who will coordinate gathering information for our facility projects and help the board to prioritize and move forward. Anyone willing to learn more about this role should talk to a board member or Rev. Rebecca.
–We agreed to invite Rev. Mark Stringer with the Unitarian Universalist congregation in Des Moines to meet with the board. The Des Moines congregation has grown significantly during his ministry, and we hope to gain insights into the change process that worked for them.
–The board will begin scheduling additional strategy meetings to discuss plans and progress relating specifically to our DM goals. These meetings intend to help the board conduct DM business more efficiently during our regular meetings. The dates and times will be posted once they are scheduled, and they will be open to all.
–We would like to organize a volunteer appreciation event in May and are looking for people to help plan it. Talk to a board member or Rev. Rebecca to join the team.