Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on January 24, 2018
-Treasurer Gary McGraw reported that our 2017 operations budget ended with a deficit of ~$7200, which is smaller than budgeted. At the same time, our endowment increased by ~$100K.
-Gary reported the Finance Council began discussing considerations for a fundraising policy. Primarily, proceeds from fundraisers will go into the regular operations budget and two individuals must be responsible for cash handling at all events. Additional details will be established when the board undertakes writing the policy.
-We approved the project proposal submitted by the joint Aesthetics and Windows Teams to begin restoring the central rose window.
-We continued discussion about the draft policy on policies. We will meet with a consultant in February to gather feedback and suggestions on this foundation of our governance structure.
-We discussed the leadership culture we want to create at Peoples. Included: a broader definition of leadership than serving as team leaders or on the board; developing mentoring and project-oriented opportunities; nurturing a culture where members enthusiastically take on leadership roles.
-We reviewed the schedule for the Mission in Action workshop on February 3 at 10 AM. All board members will attend and participate with the rest of the congregation.