Summary of Board of Trustees Meeting on June 14, 2017
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported a $3,860 deficit in May. Our overall balance for the year is still positive, and we still have some budgeted endowment income available if needed. Gary noted our income often declines during the summer months due to lower church attendance.
–We approved the revised church record retention policy and procedure submitted by our Operations Coordinator, Cathy Fischer. She will implement a records review beginning in July.
–We discussed next steps for filling the Director of Religious Education position. The two main options are to recruit for a Unitarian Universalist accredited interim religious educator, or to advertise locally. An interim professional could provide insights on ways to stabilize and improve our program over the long term, though professionals with that expertise may not be able to move here for a 1-2 year part time position. We agreed to recruit for both and decide how to proceed based on the applicants. Rev. Rebecca will talk to religious education professionals at General Assembly later in June.
–The board will move its regular meeting to the 4th Wednesday of the month for July, August, and September. This change intends to give the finance committee more time to review information and produce their report. In September we will decide whether to continue in the 4th week or switch back.
–We also decided to change how we review staff reports as a way to free up some meeting time. Staff reports will now be submitted early in the month for review. Board members can request to have a specific item added to the agenda, but otherwise the time will be used instead to discuss developmental ministry topics.