Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on May 17, 2017
–Treasurer Gary McGraw reported a $1,378 deficit in April. Our overall balance for the year is still positive due to early pledge payments and our second quarterly endowment disbursement.
–We reviewed the proposed church record retention policy and procedure submitted by our Operations Coordinator, Cathy Fischer. She created a list of the types of information the church keeps and the length of time it should be kept. We added several items to the list and will ask that she submit a revised proposal for approval at our June meeting.
–As part of the church record policy discussion, we agreed to ask Cathy F. to begin planning a shared electronic document filing system using a cloud computing option such as Dropbox or One Drive. We would like to create a folder and sharing structure that will allow volunteers and staff to store church-related items in a secure place where they can be easily used by all pertinent parties.
–We began discussing the facility project proposal policy and procedure. We currently have several facility related projects pending review but no established method to evaluate them for approval or revision. The board will work to establish an evaluation criteria and process that congregation members and the Facility Team will then be required to use.
–We reviewed the second draft of Rev. Rebecca’s Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) evaluation. This is required for all new ministers during their first three years after finishing seminary. The review is due in June.