Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on November 15, 2017
-We discussed our common read, Leading Change in the Congregation, and shared the points of Chapter 2 that resonated most for each of us. We will read Chapter 3 for our next meeting.
-Treasurer Gary McGraw reported a small surplus in October and overall positive balance for the year. He projects we will end the year with a positive balance in large part due to the DRE vacancy during the summer.
-We reviewed and approved the proposed budget provided by the Finance Council. The budget will now go to the congregation for approval at the December 3 meeting.
-The Finance Council will hold an informational forum about the new endowments on December 10.
-The Window and Aesthetics Teams presented a joint design proposal and answered questions. We approved the proposal, which will also go to the congregation for approval at the December 3 meeting.
-We discussed logistics for the upcoming congregational meeting and assigned tasks. We will host an informational forum prior to the service on December 3 to answer questions about agenda items.
-We approved the request submitted by Van Vechten Guild to name our kitchen the Lillian McGraw Memorial Kitchen.