Summary of the Board of Trustees meeting on September 18, 2016.
- Treasurer Gary McGraw reported by email that August finished with a net loss, but we still have a small year-to-date surplus as we head into the fall.
- We discussed posting No Guns Allowed signs on our doors and will hold a forum on the topic in October to gather feedback.
- We authorized Rich Patterson to investigate whether ITC will remove the ash tree in the SE corner of the property at no cost to us, in case of emerald ash borer infestation.
- Kathy Juba provided the building energy audit summary report. We are now looking for folks to help create a regular upkeep plan for the building that includes improving energy efficiency. Contact anyone on the board to help with this task.
- Per our first Developmental Ministry goal, we discussed Peoples Church governance and resources to use as we outline a new structure. We plan to present a new model at the May 2017 congregational meeting and implement it with the new board.
- We scheduled the Developmental Ministry startup congregational forum for Friday, November 18. We’ll have a potluck at 6:00 PM and start the forum at about 6:45. Please mark your calendars and watch for more information.