New Year: New Ideas, New Goals, and New Staff
2016 has been a year of reflection and transition for Peoples people. We will continue to reflect on what Peoples needs to become in the remaining years of our Developmental Ministry. And our transition, which began with hiring Rev. Rebecca, will continue as we prepare to hire an Operations Coordinator.
You might ask, what’s an Operations Coordinator? Or you might wonder why we aren’t hiring another Office Administrator. Two reasons, primarily.
Reason 1
One of our developmental goals is to improve communication. One step in that process is to create a central hub that coordinates all the communication channels used by Peoples Church. It makes sense to locate that central hub in a staff position to improve accountability and consistency. We will still rely on volunteers to help with many communication tasks, too.
Reason 2
The board and Rev. Rebecca have identified a need for a central hub to monitor our facilities and coordinate maintenance activities. It makes sense to locate this function in a staff position for the same reasons as above: accountability and consistency. Again, we will still rely on volunteers to help with maintenance.
At the same time, we still need someone to answer the phone, organize our files, and help our minister, DRE, and board with projects.
So, as promised at the beginning of our Developmental Ministry, we’re going to try something new. With the blessing of the board, Rev. Rebecca has revised the position description to reflect what our church needs now.
But remember: this is an experiment, and experiments sometimes work imperfectly at first or create unforeseen consequences. That’s to be expected, and why we want to let everyone know about this change and why we made it.
We won’t really know how this new position will work until we’ve tried it out for a little while. The board and Rev. Rebecca encourage everyone to pay attention to how things develop with our new staff, and to talk to Rev. Rebecca directly if they have questions or concerns.
We look forward to advertising the position in January and welcoming a new staff person soon. Keep an eye out for more updates.