
A Balancing Act

A Balancing Act

Life is a balancing act. As the Spring Equinox arrives and day and night are once again perfectly in balance, we will reflect on finding balance in our own lives.

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Taking a Break from Imagination

Taking a Break from Imagination

Imagination is a wonderful tool and a good friend, but sometimes it can fill us with fear and dread if we find ourselves imagining the worst. Rev. Rebecca explores how we can free ourselves from worry and anxiety in order to dream better dreams.    

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The Dream

The Dream

Almost 60 years ago Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream.  Have the wings of the eagle lifted us close or is there much work to do? David Wise shares his reflections on the years since the historic speech in the form of a letter addressed to Dr. King.  

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Lessons from America’s First Social Worker

Lessons from America’s First Social Worker

In the early 1800s, Joseph Tuckerman walked the streets of Boston to better understand the needs of the poor. Instead of simply doing the same old thing, he imagined a new way. In the wake of the events in our capitol on January 6, Rev. Rebecca asks what can we learn...

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Merry Yule

Merry Yule

On the day before the longest night of the year, we honor the darkness and prepare our hearts and homes for the returning of the light.

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The Healing Power of Truth Telling

The Healing Power of Truth Telling

November is Native American Heritage Month. As we acknowledge and learn about Native American history, Rev. Rebecca asks us what opportunities we have to finally tell the truth about the centuries of racism, colonialism, and genocide that have transpired in America....

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Feeling Our Way Forward

Feeling Our Way Forward

Though the election is behind us, the work of healing and building the world we dream about continues. Rev. Rebecca invites us to take time to acknowledge what happened, connect with our emotions, and begin the healing process. Together we will begin to feel our way...

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Listening for the Holy

Listening for the Holy

As most LGBTQ people can attest, there are plenty of voices out there telling us we are not good enough. On this National Coming Out Day, Rev. Rebecca explores how we sort through all the nonsense and hear the voice of God, the one who calls us beloved.

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Worship at 11:00 am

Faith Formation for Children and Youth at 9:45-10:45 am, from mid-September to early May.

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