HOLIDAY FOOD DONATIONS: We received a thank you note from the Linn County Food Bank expressing their gratitude for our $300 contribution and 50 pounds of food during the third quarter of 2016. The Social Justice Council (SJC) is also spearheading a holiday food drive during December.
Please increase your giving to the Linn County Food Bank and consider donating holiday-type food items. The box for your donations of non-perishable and non-breakable food items is located in the larger hallway outside the Sanctuary. During this holiday season, we hope we can increase our giving to the Food Bank!
2017 SOCIAL JUSTICE INITIATIVES: Four social justice initiatives will come before the congregation for consideration and vote for action at the December congregational meeting.
- Gun Violence
- Mental Health
- Native American/Environmental Justice
- Racism
The ballot for the vote, along with nominees for Sunday PlateShare recipients can be downloaded by clicking here (PDF). The SJC urges everyone to review the ballot and research the issues. Nominations from the floor at the meeting on 12/4 are welcome.